1. READ TO THEM: Studies show that kids who are read to develop language skills, positive associations with books, and have a stronger foundation for success in school. Besides all of that, it is just plain fun and it builds relationships as you are doing something fun together! You can even replace family movie nights with Book nights! Have a book party and celebrate that you finished a book together! In my opinion, there is nothing more enjoyable than curling up with your little one and enjoying a good book together! Check this blog out for recommended books to read with your child!
2. HAVE THEM READ OUT LOUD: This is a good way to get to know your child's reading level. For children who struggle with reading or who have ADD or learning disabilities, it is a good way to slow them down. Also, if done correctly, it can be a way to help them learn new words and gain more confidence in their reading abilities! We struggled at first to get G interested in reading out loud, but, once we set the expectations, it has really been a good experience for both of us! Read more about the benefits of reading out loud with your child.
3. FIND BOOKS THAT THEY ARE INTERESTED IN: This can be a challenge if nothing seems to work for your child. Is there a subject he or she is interested in? Are the words in some books too small? Are there words that are too challenging? Keeping up with other kids his/her age can be misleading. The key is to help them develop a love for reading! We are working up to chapter books very slowly and are still reading picture books. We also make a weekly trip to the library and bring home enough books to have lots of choices! Here are some tried and true learning book suggestions!
4. PRAISE OR REWARD, NEVER PUNISH: In our home, we have a "computer bucks" system. For every minute they read outside of homework, they earn 1 computer buck. This has kept my reluctant readers busy reading, as they are motivated by time on the computer! Find what works for you and do it! Keep it positive, never punish. You want to associate reading with positive feelings!
5. KEEP YOUR HOME STOCKED WITH BOOKS: With four children, we own quite a few books. They get them for Christmas and birthdays and I buy them when I can. Libraries will sometimes have book sales. Garage sales are good places to buy inexpensive books. In addition, the library is a great resource. We bring home mountains of books from the library. We try to keep up with them, but, if something happens and we lose a book or have to pay a fine, I gladly pay and consider it my "membership dues".
6. MODEL READING: If your children see you reading, whether it be the newspaper, how to books, or a best selling novel, they will understand that reading is a part of life. Plus, it's really fun for you!
7. TRY USING ELECTRONIC BOOKS: If yours have a fascination with electronics like mine, use the computer, tablet, or smart phone, to find free books! Check out this article on a site that allows you to download free children's books!
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